Saturday, December 31, 2005

Chapter 55 - Crap Dealer

I've to deal with lots of crap. I hate crap. Dealing with it makes me feel like crap. But Im doing fine. I've learned thing or two. Doing my own laundry, hate it though. But as long it help me build some muscle, then it's ok. I think Im not strong. I need more muscles. I can't throw a 3-point ball without throwing my whole body. I need to jog more. My stamina sucks! With the upcoming bball tournament, I dont want to be sidelined because of my stamina. Ordinary people are advised to jog/exercise 20 minutes a day, and 3 times a week. That makes 60 minutes of exercise. I played bball for 1 hour 1/2 each time. Say that I played 4 times a week, so that makes 6 hours. So Im doing 600% more than I should. But that wont be count as Im not constantly running for that 6 hours. VBJDKSHhfaoi;gfsdfhsd;afi;us........... Blur.............. Sleepy....... Mengarut.......... Talking shit..............

Anyhoo..... I've got a housemate that crazy-love to spoil things by telling the outcome of animes or movies that Im watching..... I admit that I hate spoilers. Why he has to ruined everything by telling me things that I saved for last, which is the thrills and the unexpected ending. Yea....he is one of the crap Im dealing with.

Last month, I'd finished watching House season 1 and suddenly I want to be a doctor. Last week, I watched The Intepreter and suddenly I want to be UN Intepreter. Last friday, I watched Baik Punya Cilok and suddenly I want to go pancing ikan. I never doubt that television got power. Power to change, power to encouraged, power to touched, and whatever power i dont want to waste my time typing on it.

Oh... Crap is contagious. Fact of life...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Chapter 54 - Bring It On

Home alas.... It's great to be at home. New semester, new feeling, new motivation, new person. No complaint though. Oh yeah, except apsal harga minyak mahal ek? Walaupun ada subsidi dari kerajaan, aku still rasa mahal.

~Dasar x kenang jasa la kau ni~

"Ah, orang lain pon camni. Komplen harga minyak mahal padahal, negara jiran berebut2 seberang sempadan nak isi minyak Mesia. Minyak kat Mesia ni kira murah siot! Kena la ngan cost of living kat Mesia. Kalau nak bukak cerita pasal jurang ekonomi antara kaum + kedudukan geografi yg menyumbang kepada ketidakseimbangan taburan ekonomi, sampai esok x sudah. Dah la.... bayar je la."

~Ye la.... Takat subsidi 1.024 seliter baik xyah. Lebih la sket!~

"Banyak cekadak ko.... abis kalau duit kerajaan (yg merupakan duit rakyat) abih disalur kat situ, camne ekonomi nak berkembang. Bangunan x naik, jalan x turap. Pastu komplen lagi. Ah! Malas la nak cerita ngan orang yang x buta ekonomi ni. Baik korang masuk UiTM, dapat belajar ekonomi (x kira la course apa ko amik kat situ, semua WAJIB amik). At least berisi otak korang; ye la... daripada dok isi ngan gosip majalah mangga ngan URTV."

~Tapi UiTM x diiktiraf antara Universiti terbaik dunia... buat apa nak blajar kat situ. Lagipon bukan ke UiTM ni tmpt utk anak2 melayu yg x lepas nak blajar kat U yg lebih glemer kat Mesia ni.~

"1st of all, toksah gatal2 nak cari dalam senarai tu, memang xde. UiTM x boleh dimasuksenaraikan sebab UiTM bukan la U yg open. Meaning, bumiputra only. Inilah institusi yang nak menolong orang2 melayu dari zaman Tun Abdul Razak lagi. Kalau ko rajin cari orang gagal @ flunk @ menjahanamkan bangsa dari UiTM ni, mesti ko ada masa nak cari orang yang berjaya mengharumkan nama Mesia dan memajukan bangsa dan negara yg dtg dari UiTM. Ye la, nak kata UiTM ada pompuan bersalin anak haram dalam jamban, kat U lain pon ada. Nak kata UiTM ada rakaman blue, UM pon ada, UNITAR pon ada. Ah! UTM pon ada. Pendek kata semua U ada la..."

~Kalau cuma utk bumiputra, kenapa dalam kelas aku ada minah dari Maldives? Siap x leh cakap melayu lagi...~

"Eh, ko ni dak UiTM ke...? Pegi mampus la kau.... "

Ah...cerita pasal minyak, RM10 for my kancil can last for 3 days top (in Shah Alam only). So, apa cerita.... mana nak cekau duit. PTPTN x masuk lagi. Garu kepala........

Congratulation to my brader, Syam and sis in law for giving me a nephew. Damn cute boy named after my grandad, Amirul Fahrin Thambychek. Yea, my grandad's name is on the last part. Figure hows that gonna fit into IC... Anyway, siap la kau!! Apa yg abah kau buli aku masa aku kecik2 dulu akan kubalas padamu. Hahahaahahaha..... 26 Dec 05, 3.30 am, Hospital Selayang.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Chapter 53 - My Result Sucks!!!

Just found out my xm result yesterday. Kinda bad. Actually worse. I'm having this feeling of 'Jasin reLive' back. Well, I can say that the result came at really bad time as I'm going to ask my dad for sponsorship for my basketball team. Kept telling myself that things going out as planned, but who knows?? Well, as usual... I'm fully motivated to study as new semester creeping in closer. But 'as usual', It'll lost it in the middle of semester. Look what happened last semester. Talking bout having trouble waking up in the morning. But I'm really optimistic for this new semester. That is what I have put in mind. Telling my mom about the result IS bad, wait until I tell my dad; it worst! It's time to turn the tide! Chewah.....

My landlord already called me yesterday, asking bout december's rent. Gotta lie a bit. Mana nak cekau duit masa cuti2 ni? That's why aku mintak sblm cuti, tapi 2 orang je yg bayar. Hampas! PTPTN aku dah kering, ASB aku pon dah cecah tahap bahaya. Luckily, dah ada housemate yg offer diri nak bayar esok. Nampaknya cita2 utk beli graphic card baru bukanlah sekadar angan kosong....hahahaha

Baik Punya Cilok best! Jangan x tengok. Lawak yg fresh dan trademark dari Afdlin. Unlike Apek Senario nyer lawak yang gitu-gitu ntah hape-hape.... All the casts are tremendous and brilliant. Nice story line. Kira baik punya cilok la....

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Chapter 52 - Due To Unavoidable Circumstances's been 39 days since my last post. Well, nothing much happened in my life. Abis xm bulan lepas, aku lepak rumah, menghabiskan beras, gula dan garam; petang2 nak main bball asyik hujan je. Cuma 3-4 hari lepas aku sakit perut, so most of my time I was sleeping or playing PS2. Kawan2 ajak main basket pon terpaksa reject. Anyway, these are about our local 'little' entertainment industry:
  • Lagi artis kawin dengan duit. "Juliana Banos & Mokhtar Love Forever"?????, the correct would be, "Juliana Banos & Mokhtar Love For 3 Years".
  • Lagi artis bercerai. Noraniza Idris vs Fareez. "Walaupun kami bercerai, tapi saya masih sayangkan Fareez" - Noraniza. My Ass!! Kalau sayang kenapa bercerai kak oi...
  • Lagi artis pukul camera-man. No comment. Fazura sucks!
  • Lagi artis hisap dadah. "Saya hisap dadah, saya bertaubat, berilah saya peluang kedua..." - Ameng. Biasanya yang mintak peluang kedua ni mesti akan mintak peluang ketiga. Ingat senang ke berenti hisap. X kira la hisap rokok ke, syabu ke, ice ke, gam ke, dadah ke....
  • Lagi artis fantastic. Im looking forward for Afdlin new movie, Baik Punya Cilok. Awie ada, AC Mizal ada, Hans ada.... fantastic la mamat nih. Bulat dan fantastic.
  • Lagi artis berlagak. "Saya x takut. Jangan tuduh saya fitnah Siti (mmg bukan saya yang buat tapi itu saya yang sruh) dan saya memang diserang depan bangunan TV3 (x tipu punya... tapi saya kena serang dgn diri sendiri la....)" - Kak Pah. Lagu kak mmg bleh tahan, tapi perangai kak tu yg xleh handle. Eh... Kak ke, patut pangkat Mak dah.....
I'm going to catch King Kong tonight with my fellow frens. Hopefully that movie wont give me much yawn as Hulk. Narnia and Harry Potter rock!!! Rock x rock la...sampai balik rumah tu aku terus download Harry Potter 5: Order of Pheonix ngan Harry Potter 6: Half-Blood prince. Layan seh!!!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Chapter 51 - My Oh My....

I did some changes in my blog. Not much or significance I can say. Just a mp3 player on the sidebar. But, due to the size of that mp3, probably your(and my) internet browser will take some(or a lot of) time to download it. So, we might hear lagu separuh-separuh. Cam Siot! Pasni aku nak cari software yang bleh edit mp3 dan reduce the size. It'll be pretty much convenience afterwards. Before this aku punya la cari file hosting yang bleh aku uploadkan mp3, turn out that most if it kena bayar or subscribe. Masa search tu semua describe "free", but there's nothing free in this world maa!! This particular file hosting pon aku dapat dari mana forum ntah. So, unless internet speed korang laju, mmg sakit hati jugak la nak dengar lagu nih.

You also can download the wallpaper by clicking on it. Think so.... (never try before). Oh yea, tomorrow is my first paper. All I need is double ME. While 'he' go take the exam, the real me is at home sleeping. Hahahah.... I wish!!! Actually, aku nih traume sket bila time exam besar2 nih. Kalau dulu(masa primary + secondary school), small matter pon aku exaggerate'kn. Nak explain camne pon payah. But soon, after studying in U, those habits of mine disperse. Still remember, masa sem III kat UTMKL, I'd miss my mathemathic exam. Guess what i'm doing at that moment? Basuh akuarium. Hahahaha(how I can laugh at this?!). Talking bout miss-read. The next day, dengan ilmu matematik pekat didada, aku melangkah kedalam dewan yang kosong. I was cuak to death bila tengok jadual xm. Turn out, I'm sitting for other paper on that day. Jawab je la walaupon haram x baca langsung. My closest fren(that time, not anymore...) bleh tanya, "Eh, ko kat mana semalam...tak nampak ko pon...". Dah tau tak nampak aku, bukan nak telepon. Kalau aku x datang hari tu, aku rasa sampai bila pon dia takkan tepon aku tanya kabar. Like what people said; That's what a fren for, destroying my life....

Masa Raya, pernah tak korang experience budak2 yang korang x pernah tengok @ kenal datang nak beraya tapi hakikatnya diorang cuma nak duit raya je.... Nak halau x sampai hati kan??... Ever think of a way to counter it? Ni sikit tips and hints:

> Bila dengar diorang datang, cepat2 tutup mulut and mute the damn TV. Stay camouflage. Kalau diorang bagi salam, jawab! (x jawab dosa!). Tapi jawab slow2. Turn yourself into whispering mode.
*Taktik ni x jadi bila pintu @ tingkap depan rumah korang terbuka luas. So, proceed to the next point...

> This method require capital a.k.a money. Sebelum Raya, beli sebiji rumah merah (price ranging from RM200 - RM1000++. Depend on quality), 3 biji oren dan sepeket colok. U know where this going to... Pagi raya, lepas sembahyang raya, pacakkan rumah merah kat depan rumah korang, letakkan 3 biji oren dan bakarkan colok.
*Although it'll cost u some money, but look at the bright side, u can use it every raya...

> Go to any supermarket, look for "BEWARE DOGS" or "DOGS:TRESPASSER WILL BE BITE TO DEATH" plaque. Hang it in front of your house. To make it super real, rent or buy a dog and chained it in front of your house. I mostly recommend Rottweiler.
* There're suggestions from my fren to use bear traps and electric fences. But I instantly wrote it off. I dont want to kill the kids, just to drive them away. So, I hope these guides will help u on the next raya.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Chapter 50 - How is....

Gosh, finally it's my 50th post. I love my blog. It's my world. I'd try to be JERKier than before. That's my promise.

Another gosh, finally it's Syawal. 30 days of fasting is so damn quick nowadays. Rasa cam semalam je start pose. With blinks of eyes, poof.. it's over already. Regretably, my terawikh were constantly decreases over this few years. Wonder why? StarWorld ada cerita best2 ke pkl 8 mlm? Setahu aku, I spent almost 2/3 Ramadhan at Shah Alam, which NO tv apatah lagi Astro. Study?'s a rare sight to see me study. So, pe masalahnya? So I decide to leave it till next Ramadhan. Maybe I'll get my answer by then. Skarang Raya dulu...

Speaking of Raya, I'm positive as hell that I met less my relatives that last Syawal. After semayang Raya, I slept until 4 pm (I didn't sleep the night before. Damn Man U ~ kalah lagi!), then went to my mak long's house at Bangsar which I tried to avoid each year but never gonna happen. I like my mak long, but I hate my pak long. Snobbish rich guy. You guys probably curse me for hating my own uncle and that'll automatically curse most of my cousins (yeah, they hate him as well). The HELL I care! Meet him before you can criticize me. But dont get me wrong fellas, I hate him, but I dont wish him to be hit by lorry simen and die.... Just being hit by that lorry is enough already. Thankfully, the angpau was good. Then I went to my aunt's house in PJ until maghrib. Pastu balik umah tengok tv. That's what Raya is all about, TV!! thn ni ada 5 channel, next year who knows.. Lenguh mata nak tengok. But I didnt fall for that, instead I watched downloaded anime on my dad's PC. Straight for 4 days I didnt shut my dad's PC. Jangan meletup sudah... Ah, 3 am and Im at Shah Alam. Yeah, you read it right! Raya kedua and I already here in Shah Alam. But I have to head home tomorrow for big family dinner. Asal percuma, aku x kesah!! hahahaha....

Where's all the mercun's merchant? The santa claus of Syawal. Dulu senang je carik and as I recall, my favorite stall was at tepi kubur dalam Kampung Changkat. Though aku mercun'holic masa kecik2 dulu, xde la main sampai putus jari, tangan dan kepala. The worst pon aku hangus kulit tangan. Agaknya aku x cukup adventurous kot. Tapi tahniah la kepada kanak2 yang mengalami kecelakaan bermain mercun. At least they challenged themselves to up the standard of playing mercun or create new method of playing mercun.


Sunday, October 23, 2005

Chapter 49 - Another Disappointment

Sigh....Another disappointing weekend. Man U still unable to resolve their finishing problem. Star dah bersepah dalam team but still can't grab the 3 points away. Orang kutuk camne pon, Im still their die hard fan. Im start to doubt Fergie's credibility as the manager. But the blame shouldn't be put on his sole shoulder, as the players too should be more energetic and sharp. With Ronaldo's recent rape accusation, it surely gonna bring down it's rep. Why........ WHY.....?!!!!!

Che Guevara is a well known name especially for youngster that kept wearing T with it's face printed on it but yet can't explain to me, who the hell is Che Guevara. Probably a cheap RM15 T they bought at bundle shop and it's sickening me that these kids wore without knowing. I once asked one of my fren who wore Che's T, and he even can't tell me where Che from. It's not that Im against them wearing Che's T, but at least get to know the person whose face printed DAMN LARGE on it. Let me give some scoop on it. He was Fidel Castro right man back in Cuba when Fidel started the revolutionary movement during the 60's. He too, like Fidel, full of charisma and also petah berkata-kata. But it is impossible to have 2 captain in a boat. So he went to Bolivia in hope to foment the revolutionary movement there, but luck is out of his hand when Brehnez took over Soviet and demand Fidel to stop messing with other country's affair.
Basically, Fidel cut their communication as Che + 22 comrades was chased by CIA (nice going Fidel!). He was then captured by Bolivian Army and was killed the day after. Tough luck huh! He is considered as a hero of 3rd world socialist revolutionary movements. What a legacy for a dead person?!. So, at least you now know who the hell is he. Hmm... Im afraid the lack of curiosity in yougsters these day might lead to something worst. For example, they might wear T with Ariel Sharon face on with thought that it might look cool but not knowing that he is the most evil creature walking on this beautiful earth. Damn Kids....oh, not to forget, Damn you Ariel Sharon....

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Chapter 48 - The Longest 4 Hours

Hahaha....Surely Im not good at bragging. Few post before, I'd kick Ust. Din out of my link list for not updating his blog, but here im doing it. Hahahahah. Well, what can I say... blogging require mood. No mood, no ilham, if no ilham datang berduyun-duyun, then Im going to write something merapu which even I gonna kick myself up. So, ask I in a mood now. Nah.. Just doing what Im suppose to do, which is merapu. Hehehehe....

Ah,banyak plak nyamuk kat umah nih. How Im gonna type with both of my hand in action (a.k.a menepuk nyamuk). I should bought aerosol on my way home. To be exact, I used it all last week when cencorot(some kind of tikus) infiltrate my house. Damn! I hate rats, roaches, and all sort of insects. So, practically I depleted the whole can of aerosol just to spray at that stupid cencorot. Unfortunately, he's still alive. How possible is that. Super rat or what?!! I partly blamed the failure to exterminate that damn cencorot to Belang (my cat, don't ask!).

The morale of the story from paragraph above is to inform that Im home. Study leave + Raya holiday. This year is the first I spend most of Ramadhan away from home. Senang cerita kat Shah Alam la... Even I'm going back there the day after tomorrow coz ada online test. What a week! I missed my important presentation + late of report submission + lack of attendance. Camne lecturer aku nak tolong ni?! If I'm in his leather shoe, surely Im gonna fail that kind of student. Aku dah give up pon, but thinking of my innocent partner, I pushed myself to complete the report and submit 2 days after the deadline. Dengan wall-face nyer, me and my partner went to see him. From11 o'clock, until 2.15 pm we waited in front of his office, not to mention that I didnt sleep the night before, so Im pretty much mereng. After explained stuff, which I bet he didnt believe at all, we waited for another 45 minutes for other group's presentation. Thankfully, he did accept our report but still considering to give us second chance for our presentation. Lantak arr....

Im pretty messed up this semester. Lack of motivation. Orang kata sebab xde awek. Ye ke?? Ntah arr... My horoscope reading for this week said that Im gonna annoy my frens if Im not going to change my attitude. What can I say, I like to make frens as well as annoy them. Torture if possible. Also, during this Ramadhan, I'd developed this sleeping disorder, which make me more likely a bat than human. Sleep after Subuh and wake up around 2 - 3 pm. The bad thing is, I missed some of my morning as well as afternoon classes. But the good thing is, I feel hungry for 4 hours only. Hahahhaa..... Yesterday, I broke the current record of 3 p.m when I woke at 3.15 p.m. Im so proud of myself. But Im just a rookie compared to my other frens in seksyen 6. They can go all the way to late night. Binatang ke hape??

So, that's covered for 2-3 weeks rite? Puas hati aku dapat update. Hahahhhahaah

Monday, September 26, 2005

Chapter 47 - Already??

What is the odd of watching 2 hours of boring ghost story in the middle of the night with your frens? pretty slim huh.. but it happened to me last night. Actually it's not 'happened', but more likely 'doing it', but I'm totally embarassed to admit that. Anyway, the name of the story is BUPPAHRAHTRE. Yep, it's Thai's ghost story. My fren kept insist that this is a hell of scary movie. Yeah, it's scary enough to make 5 years old wet their bed. The story of a boring, unsocialized, top student of her class who fell in love with this jerk. It turned out that this jerk made a bet with his jerk frens to score her for a bottle of wine. You know the rest...bla, bla, bla...the girl got pregnant, suicide, become a ghost. A funny one to be exact. Sigh... a top student who fell in love can become someone stupid as hell. Dont watch it!

I hate hypocrite people that afraid to admit their hypocritism. Cmon, EVERYONE are hypocrite. They just don't realize that. It is bad to admit one? Nope. In fact, I like being hypocrite. That's what I am. I often read bout some of our artists/actresses/actors who hate hypocrite people. Yeah, bite my shining metal ass. They're the biggest hypocrite ever. Dont get me wrong. Hypocrite is good, but not to admit it, you are stupid! Since everbody is becoming one, why dont they put "everyone" in their dislike column?! It got the same meaning with hypocrite. They might as well save some ink to print the extra letter.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Chapter 46 - Bored To Death

Just a hi won't do any harm. Figure that's pretty much of a welcoming speech. Bless who created that. Nothing much happened, just sometime feel bored and irritated with the assignments and stuff. Bet there's ton of stuff that make you happy as well as annoyed. Yeah, figured that out lately. I would like to list the "10 things I hate bout you", but I'm not in the mood. Just to give some sneak preview to it, I hate ugly people watching me eating. How's that? Nope, I'm not in the good looking human clan, but damn sure I'm not in the ugly one. As I'm saying, why bother staring at me while I'm eating. Nothing better to do 'ke'? I might be wrong. He/she might staring at the chair behind me while getting horny bout it. Please, get a room!

I was hoping of becoming a doctor when I'm 15. Guess it's not going to happen. But lately, "if" had infected my brain. Not some kind of illness. Just a simple usage of my brain that processing imagination and stuff. What if I score my biology paper during high school. Study damn hard that I get 3.50 above for my cgpa. Offered a scholarship to study in Australia, UK or wherever that snow once in a year, I don't care. Doing double degree and open up my own practice. I'm sure gonna look cool. Maybe because I watched too many 'scrubs' or 'House', or maybe I look good on white coat, and definitely the thought that I can dig up chick easily. But it's impossible since I didn't score my biology, didn't get 3.50 above since I thought that 2 would look less curly than 3 on my certificate, and I missed the big flyer on newspaper buzzing bout JPA interview. Yeah, it's 3' x 3' big. wonder I missed it. Double degree? I'm still busting my ass to get my single degree. Reality sucks but it's ok. I thought that I can be a doctor, but in my case, I'll be treating computers though screwdriver look much less cool than scaple.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Chapter 45 - My First Review

Announcing my first review of a play. First time in my history, I went to see a play last saturday. Well, I had to choose whether to go to the play or to my aunt's tahlil. Easy one. I chose to watch the play over tahlil bcos I can meet up with my OC frens (Not that 'Orange County' one, but my OverSea frens), plus, my fren (syazli) is one of the cast and it's much more fun. Woke up at 8 pm, called my mom to tell her that I'm not going to the tahlil with excuse of tired after playing bball for my faculty early that day. Yeah, It's true what!!!! So this is the damn review:

Title: Pelajar

Cast: Syazli and some fellas I don't want to know

Characters: (my rate system is based on "how much I want to punch him/her and where")
Student - the unbelievable 'not so clever' student (played by syazli)
- every 8-10 seconds this fella kept checking on his lecturer's ass and
boobs except for the last 2 minutes of the play bcos he's dead (just like I wish).
- he know what is capital of France, he know 1 digit addition arithmetic, but hell he
don't know 4 minus 3.
- Rating: At first I want to punch him hard on the face, but after seing him dead, I just
want to punch him less hard, still in the face.

Husbands - the unbelievable duff husband
- He's the first to come out on the play and I'm already hate him.
- He's the man of the house, the dog of it's own yard, but he didn't realize there's 40
coffins in his backyard. Idiot.
- Rating: I want to sucker punch him.

Wife/lecturer - the unbelievable psycho person
- She's wack. Not that 'whack' wack, just wack.
- one time, she's holding pen, the next second she's got parang on her hand.
- teaching arithmetic, filology and literature for dummies.
- hobby: kill her student after giving one or two speech of filology.
- Rating: I want give her clothline from hell right on the throat. That'll send her
straight to asylum.

Maid - the unbelievable annoying maid/amah
- for some reason, she hate filology.
- She cleaned corpse more than cleaning the house.
- Like to jaga tepi kain orang
- Rating: Punch her in her ribs

butler - the unbelievable annoying butler
- hobby: ripped off/smug dead people.
- Hate him
- Hate him
- Rating: Definitely a low blow in you know where.

clock - the superbly annoying retardly clock
- He's kinda live 'unliving' object which is witness to all things happened in the house.
- A clock that wore ring, round clock hanging from his neck and glitter on his face. Unreal.
- Once in the while, he will wake from his chair and talk. How annoying is that.
- Definitely Hate Him
- Thankfully, the clock die in the end. I don't know how possible is that, and I don't care as
long as he's dead.
- Rating: a poke in the eye, a slash on his throat then give him a 'stone cold steve austin'
stunner. Then give him a wall of jericho when he's on the ground.

new student - the superbly kawaii girl
- the thing that made me less hate this play is bcos of this girl. CuTe~~~
- Rating: Wanna kiss her right on the cheek

Sum of Story(chronologically): A student going to take his phd exam - meet this lecturer for extra tuiton - try to ngorat his lecturer so she might help him on the exam - first lesson; arithmetic which most of the time the lecturer try to teach her dead-stupid student of 4 minus 3 calculation (BORING!!) - the student kept emphasizing the word 'batang' and 'besar' (what a jackass)- Lecturer decided to move on to the next lesson; filology - amah come in to warn the lecturer not to teach filology but get scolded instead - suddenly the student having a toothaches - Lecturer bring out the parang - slice here and there - stabbed him - realize what she had done - cry - cry again - amah came in, consoled her and clean up the mess - stabbed the clock - the end

Overall: Entertainably boring.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Chapter 44 - Which cut is the deepest?

So damn tired. I hate this week. I hate it so much that make me wanna sucker punch somebody, than puke on him/her. I might enlist this week on "my list of shittiest week ever". Tight deadline, 2 assignments, 1 report, no time for playing games, no LCD screen yet (anybody can topped that? Hell no!); these had succesfully contribute to my hatred toward this week. Enough with the hate and frustation. At least I manage to get through this hell-hole, but no thanksgiving yet, coz here come new assignment. Dateline: Monday, 10.30 am. What the heck!!! Tomorrow is the interFac Sport Fest, which I doubtly involved in. I dunno whose the idiot running the faculty's BBall team. No training, no damn meeting and not organize at all. Surely these guys think they're the 'over-rated' Kobe Bryant. HUH! gonna see bout that tomorrow. Bet I'm the first to laugh at them when they're losing. Hahahaha (laugh in advance).

Beside my friendster's mail account being trashed by losers (remember the "forward-me-if-you-dont-want-your-account-deleted" bullshit), I'm having quite same problem with my main e-mail account. Somehow, there's a lot of notification bout "I've-just-updated-my-blog" thingy, which is also annoying to me. Thankfully, yahoo provide 2GB of storage, check button and delete button. What I did was, checked those email and press the delete button. Well, I can't say that 'I can't complaint bout it", because I just did. But that came with friends that's in my friends list which they happened to have their own blog. What happened? Why all of the sudden people start blogging, I mean in mass amount? Oh, forgot; If you ever to read this UstatDin, you're officially off my link list. Because I hate to click on your link with hope that you've update your blog, but the truth is you didn't. Thank you.

Oh, my streamyx finally installed (after countless harrasses to the TMnet customer service). I'm officially blogging from my bed, which also happened to be my red kashmirian carpet. Bet you thinking that I'm on porn 24/7. No no no no...don't phunk with my heart. I'm not gonna bringing 'bala' into my room. That's why I'm accessing it from my fren's room. HAHAHAHAHA. Interesting, my amateurish housemate caught red-handed surfing porn. I soon realized it as I saw an annoying wallpaper mentioning that his PC infected with spyware and non-stop pop-up of Norton antivirus msg. After being asked to clean up the mess, I found that it's quite a hussle to disinfect that pc. I soon come to conclusion; FORMAT THE PC. So, the morale of the story, don't surf porn guys. Save the sperm for now.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Chapter 43 - New Breeze

What excite me more than season of EPL? NOTHING, I guess. Just can't wait to see my red devil kick ass. For now, let us join our prayer so that MU going for quadrable this season. For those who happened to be a fan to other club than "the great MU", please don't be offended by what I'm gonna say. U guys SUCKS...BIG TIME!!! Hahahahaha..... Once again, forgive me for my rudeness, but I can't hide the truth.....

Some might wonder, why recently my posts were written in english...Well my dear fren, It just happen that I'm in a mood to write in english, plus I would really like to accustomed myself to write in english so I won't write rubbish in my english paper this semester. I believe Mrs Anne Tan (my english lecturer) would agree more with this unnatural act of mine. Beside my sarcastism, my english is getting better rite? Hahahaa....I'm thinking of using graphic aid next time I'm blogging. Picture do worth a thousand words rite? But wait, what about moving picture..I mean mpeg, movie clip, etc... How much do that worth? Million?..Wait, Trillion words I think...Coz mpeg contain thousands of frames of static picture..which is one picture equivalent that's mean...bla....bla...bla...Ahhh, chow.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Chapter 42 - 7~9~5

It's not an anniversary date or what-so-ever. Please don't speculate anything folks. It is a cursed number. 795 is the Ringgit M'sia I'd spent servicing my kancil. What the hell!! Why it is so xpensive. Student's privileges are getting fewer and fewer nowadays. As a student, I'm able to bowl cheap and 30% off for books which I never bowl and never read; and servicing my car is not one of it. U Student used to get free meal during the 60's. *sigh*...Don't expect me to use my PTPTN money for that coz I got LONG wish-list waiting to be realized (including new graphic card, new sport rim, new speaker and so on...). The figure really shocked me. Luckily i've got my mom and lucky for her to got my dad's credit card. Hehehehe....

Oh yeah. KL is now like some foggy ruin in FFX except there's no fog but haze. It's so hazy that 1 pm looked pretty much like 7 pm. It's feel like this going to be happen anually. They've got summer and summer holiday, so do us. I'm in 3 days school off but no yappediyeeha yet, coz I have to turn in proposal this friday and report on monday. I'm so pissed at my frens rite now for dropping Java which turn out that they seduced me into taking it. So, rite now I'm hooked with this anonymous cute lady (cute ke??) to pull this project together. Hmmmm.....


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Chapter 41 - Injury List

Once again, I'm in my own injury list. Twisted my ankle yesterday due to my excessive movement in playing basketball. All thanks to my skills and not to mention, this particular junior at my college(who is "pembunuh pemain handalan" in the making) for making my days miserable. Just when my faculty's sport fest is around the corner......

Last week, my fren was approach by this chinese on his way to buy pepsi. This happened at a grocery in sect. 7. Well, it's like this:

Ah Boon(not his real name) : Hello adik. Bole tanya ka?
Cengkoi : Tanya apa?
Ah Boon : Apa itu pantun melayu yang ada ikan siakap, lama2 jadi pencuri?
Cengkoi : Oooo...itu ka. Siakap senohong gelama ikan duri, cakap bohong lama2 jadi pencuri.
Ah Boon : Oooo..
Cengkoi : Kenapa tanya?
Ah Boon : Saya mau cakap ini pantun dekat sidang dewan sama itu Rafidah A. Tapi saya tuka siket ini pantun. Ini macam, 'siakap senohong gelama ikan duri, cakap bohong lama2 jadi menteri'. Hahahaha...
Cengkoi : HihihihHuhuhuhHehehehKehkehkeh(this ridiculous laugh never happened, I just add it).

*For those who still wonder what in the hell that conversation was about; which might due to:
> you're a newspaper hater. I ruled out the HARAKAH readers (although they hate and might not read national newspaper), but I'm damn sure they kicking this issue hard in their grong-gry newspaper (don't bother to look for this word's definition coz they aren't, I just made that up).
>you only read fashion segment
>you only read sport segment
>you only want to know what's you're horoscope reading
>you've got more interest in foreign conflicts than domestic's
No kidding here, I've got housemate that tought Rafidah A is an 'Ayah Pin' follower. He catched a glimpse of Rafidah and AP on news headline and conclude that sorry assumption.
**For those who still don't catch what my housemate was thinking, Ayah Pin abbreviation is AP too. Duh....

Funny but not entirely fair. For her, I think she's deserve it and gonna be doomed for it; but it's not fair for other ministers. At least wait till they messed up(harharhar). Hey c'mon, some of them really did their job and for that they don't deserve it.


Thursday, July 28, 2005

Chapter 40 - Still Not Getting Called Yet

What's taking them so long? Why they still didn't call? By the way, your not one of "them", so don't worry. I'm refering to those TMnet fellas. Changing streamyx line is sucks! Why bother? well, my housemate got his own account at Kuantan until their family decided to move to Sabah. By changing his streamyx line, we significantly save some money and not to mention waste a lot of time waiting. But it is totally forgiven; as patience and forgiving is one of my good virtue (hahaha). These procesess are not quite transparent. Heck! I thought just some tweak at their database can easily solve this kind of problem, but I'm definitely wrong. They might went to "kedai kopi" first, discussing bout AF or Bintang RTM for almost half a day and get back to their office, feeling sleepy, went to surau to "refresh a.k.a tido"(for mens) or to kitchen to "refresh a.ka. ngumpat"(for girls) or spent their precious time playing solitaire or even better, Championship Manager 5. And when they trully up to do their job, the clock already showing 5.00 pm which is time to punch out. Had in their mind to get out early in order to avoid traffic jam and so, there you of the productive day in their live. At least that's what I thought for now.


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Chapter 39 - A Month Away

Wazzup folks. I thought I forgot something. Yeah, to UPDATE my blog. Not that I intend to do so, but my life is miserably busy. So, next time I'm blogging, hope I can blog from my rent home. New semester had started and I'm staying with my frens somewhere near my college. I planned to establish (can't find the right word) a home wireless network. Sound easy huh?! Think again....

Anyway, I'm furious with some people who kept trashing my friendster mailbox account with "Please-forward-this-mail-if-you-don't-want-your-account-to-be-delete"-mail, though some of them are my frens. Note this: Like I'm gonna believe that. Some Friendster's CEO mailing one person informing that friendster is shutting-down and plead that person to forward that mail so they wouldn't delete his account. LAME!!! Why (which if it's true) don't they just send each account that lame notice and stop wasting other people time reading, forwarding and deleting it?!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Chapter 38 - Long Time No See...

Waa... Lama giler beb x blog. Nak dekat 4 minggu ke hape.... Nothing much happened. Lepas aku balik dari Penang itu hari, aku dengan success'nya menganggur di rumah. Cuma PC bapak aku prob sket. Kurang la online. Aku pon x paham apa kena ngan PC ni. One time, dia suka kluar skrin biru pastu reboot ngan sendrinya. Hangin je kalau tengah2 d'load ke.... blogging ke.... tetiba dia padam. Pernah kena dowh... dah nak tekan butang publish nih, dia bleh reboot. Tulis dah berjela-jela burn cenggitu je. Skrg nih aku kalau blog musti buat backup. Okeh... sesape tau camne nak counter prob nih... Dia kluar message "Physical memory dumping 0x0000008e bla bla bla.....", sila bagitau aku ek. Sakit hati betul!!!!

Dah arr...chow

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Chapter 37 - My Cousins' Wedding

Selamat Pengantin Baru kepada sepupuku Ahmad b Abdul Razak dan Zanita bte Dato' Osman. Both are my cousin. I remember writing on the previous2 post that they met at my bro's wedding and fell in love since then. Satu sepupu belah mak dan lagi satu belah ayah aku. Very loving la... Kay, majlis akad nikah kat umah pengantin pompuan di Bangsar. Akad nikah dalam pkl 11 pagi seblom acara makan2(which the event that i'm looking forward to) dan sanding. Rombongan belah pompuan serba hijau muda. Tapi aku maintain cream sbb baju hijau muda aku dah kasi abang aku pakai. Ntah kenapa skrang nih, kalau rombongan kawin mesti ada warna tema. Nanti majlis kat Penang warna coklat lak. Aku cam biasa maintain cream lagi sebab xde baju kaler coklat. Kay, majlis akad nikah berlangsung dengan smooth'nye, kira sekali jalan je baca akad. Nak diceritakan masa akad tu, kadi ada mention garis panduan laki bini yang mana akan dibacakan sebagai pesanan kepada bakal suami isteri. Antara kandungan teks ucapan dia termaktub:

Utk laki
~Bagi makan yang secukupnya kepada bini. Tau selera bini. Jangan abaikan makan bini la kiranya
~Belikan pakaian kepada bini. Kalau mampu tiap2 hari (melawak lak kadi tu), kalau x setahun sekali.
~Jangan mencerca atau memaki hamun bini dengan bahasa2 kasar
~Jangan berlaku kasar dgn bini. Pukul2 manja bleh la...

Utk bini
~Menyambut laki ngan muka yang mesra
~Jgn keluar umah tanpa kebenaran laki
~Jgn melawan cakap laki pastu xleh cakap kasar2, jerit2...

Time kadi tu baca, adala makcik2 kat blakang yang berseloroh, mencelah-celah setiap kali kadi tu baca satu point(kalah Tan Sri SM Salim berzapin), sahut menyahut sesama sendri sambil gelak sinis dan pandang laki masing2. Yang pakcik2 pon x kurangnya bila sampai kat bahagian pesanan utk bini. Seolah2 cam terkena kat batang hidung laki-bini masing2 plak bila kadi menyampaikan pesanannya...

At least, kat majlis nih aku belajar la serba skit pasal kawin2 nih. Hantaran, mas kawin, akad nikah. In fact kalau seblom ni ada majlis akad nikah aku dok luar ngan cousin2 aku, tapi arini aku lepak dalam sbb nak rasa feel org akad nikah.. ye la, utk persediaan masa hadapan katakan. Utk abang akunyer majlis arr, aku lambat lagi.... Aku budget masa akad tu kadi nak uji ilmu agama si pengantin laki, tapi xde lak. Tapi jgn salah sangka lak, bkn nak tgk cousin aku flop test tu, sbb cousin aku tu no hal la punya kalau kena tanya basic2 fardu ain. Cuma nak tau jenis2 soalan. Aku rasa depend kat mood kadi la. Mau dapat kadi yg sruh baca surah2 panjang cam Ar-Rahman ke, An-Nisa' ke, mau terkedu pengantin laki. Tapi besanya kadi x se'evil itu. Takat doa qunut, ayat kursi ke...bleh la, apatah lagi kalau tanya doa makan. Mmg success.....

Kayla, chow.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Chapter 36 - Monsoon's Wedding

Selamat Pengantin Baru kepada kawan aku yang bernama Monsoon(bukan nama sebenar, Sherry pon bkn nama sebenarnya). Majlis kahwinnya telah dilangsungkan pada Sabtu lepas. Sebagai kawan (atau mangsa), kami pergi la meringankan tangan menolong sekadar yang termampu. Alkisah jadilah kami waterboy ngan buzzer kenduri tuh. Pa, midi, qayyum, panjang, aku, faiz n fa'zah telah sudi menjadi kuli pada hari tersebut. Midi, aku ngan panjang incharge dalam department air, sekaligus memastikan tiada siapa akan kehausan sepanjang kami bertugas. Walaupun tiada pulangan yg menarik bertugas kat department air, tapi dapat usha awek ngan dapat minum sesuka hati. Tugas mengelap cawan basah mmg sukar. Sambil mengelap, aku kena pastikan cawan kering sambil memberikan posing yang terbaik agar awek2 turn-on tgk posing aku mengelap cawan. Midi dah jelous dgn jawatan aku yg lebih glamer dan lebih menangkap mata hadirin. Tugasnya sebagai pemindah cawan yang sudah dibasuh keatas meja lebih low-profile dan x glamer. Sian ngko....

Pengantin hadir dengan serba biru. Namun langit x sebiru baju melayunya. Kusangka panas hingga ke maghrib (sbb nak main basket sekali ptg tu), rupanya hujan di tengah kenduri. Hujan amat lebat dan menyukarkan pa dan qayyum selaku buzzer utk menjalankan tugas. Last2 diorang lepak kat tempat air je sambil bergelak ketawa. Lebat2 pon monsoon masih gembira. Ye la...hari nak tayang bini. Lepas ni simpan kat dalam bilik je la.... Walaupon mukanya rakus dan ganas, tapi masih terpancar riak2 kasih dan sayang( xleh kutuk je, kena puji sket. Takut kena tala). Kek kahwin yang serba biru dan sedap tu turut menghiasi muka aku dek dicalit bdak2 nih. Semua pasal panjang kasitau bday aku hari tu. Siot btol. Dah cam pucat mayat muka aku. Nasib baik kek, kalau telur kenduri menjadi bahannya; alamatnya lebam2 la aku. Telur rebus keras dowh.. Walaupon x pernah kena, tapi kalau kena sebiji mmg sakit. X caya try suruh adik atau abang baling telur rebus kat korang.

Dahla... penat tu penat jugak, tapi makan sedap. Ayam goreng kenduri monsoon mmg sedap. Kawin la lagi monsoon, bleh makan ayam goreng lagi. Muahahahaah...

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Chapter 35 - Raining Season

So bored...not in a mood to blog lately. Just now aku tuka template utk blog aku. Sama lak cam thoyol nyer. Pastu aku post gambar2 dari Bali. Sori la Salah...xde gamba topless chick arr. Simpan untuk sendri la....

Buhsannye.... petang2 kat gombak nih dok ujan je. Yang aku nih malas turun main basket bertambah malas lagi.... Cuma hari ni mcm ada harapan nak cerah je. Kalau ptg ujan, layan tv je la. Kalau ada mood, main la ps2. TV pon dah bosan tengok. Xde pape menarik. Contander dah abis, amazing race dah abis...yang tinggal AF. Bukan "dah demam?", tapi "dah bosan?". Skrg nih TV3 tgh tunjuk apprentice season baru. This new season, Trump bawak 2 group. 1 group yg pro business man/woman dan yg 1 lagi fresh graduate. Aku tgk previous episode, diorangnyer assignment kena buat iklan utk Dove. Both sucks! Tu yang wakil dari Dove cakap. Last2 Trump bawak kedua2 group masuk board room utk cari sape kena pecat. Sometime aku tengok, diorang byk overlook bende2 simple yg bleh buat group diorang sukses. Diorang lebih penting nak tonjolkan diri, tonjolkan idea2 fancy yang bodoh, nak tunjuk pandai, ego kuat nak mampos pastu xnak ngaku salah. Selaku penonton, xde yg lebih menarik dari menonton diorang bertekak sama sendri, ngaku cam-power depan Trump, tikam belakang member dalam board room pastu kena pecat dek Trump. Tapi nak tgkkan, menang apprentice lagi best dari menang any other reality tv show. Dari segi long term mmg berbaloi utk menang. Yg lain maybe menang 1 juta, tapi pakai2 abih gak satu juta tuh. Tu x kira kena cukai tanah, cukai tafsiran, cukai pintu dan zakat harta. Kalau menang ngan Trump, duit masuk bulan2 beb(tapi kena keje la). Although x sebanyak 1 juta, tapi skali masuk dah berpuluh2 ribu lemon. Kayo pakcik...... Tapi kalau slack buat keje, jawabnya "you're fired" la....

Answer for the quiz.

The color of the rose shows your characteristic, merah menunjukkan yg anda seorang yg suka menerima, putih pula menunjukkan yg anda seorang yg suka memberi.

number of rose tu menunjukkan berapa byk yg anda beri @ terima. kalau sedozen tu menunjukkan yg anda banyak memberi @ menerima.

route ke rumah gf/bf menunjukkan kecenderungan anda jatuh cinta. short path ~ anda seorang yg mudah jatuh cinta. long path ~ anda seorang yg sukar jatuh cinta

what u do with the rose shows your romanticness. kalau letak dlm pasu tu anda romantik tapi segan utk tunjukkan. kalau letak atas katil tu menunjukkan yg anda romantik dan tiada masalah utk menunjukkannya.

jalan pulang menunjukkan your break-up behaviour. kalau short path ~ cepat utk melupakan kisah pahit tu. long path ~ anda sukar utk melepaskan perasaan cinta tu.

Aku? heheeh. secret.

Chapter 34 - Pictures

KulKul & Ancient worrior

Tiang batu & Waterfall in the mall

Gerbang Kintamanis & Sunset at Kintamanis

Temple kat Kintamanis & Sunset at Kintamanis II

Me at the beach

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Chapter 33 - My New Morning

G'morning... It's been a week since my sis got into UM. Dpt buat asasi sains kat sana. SO, byk
keje2 kat umah ni aku dah takeover cam bawak mak aku pegi jogging, bukak tingkap dan langsir, sidai baju dan beberapa lagi kerja seorang surirumah. No complaint, except bila aku tgh main PS2 ngan PC. Mmg berat sket nak ringan tangan time tu. So, bangun pon kena awal. Tak cam usual... Kalau besanya mau pkl 10 keatas baru bgn(cuti katakan...), tapi skrg dah awal sket. Namun kedua2nya terlepas subuh...Sedey...sedey...

Member aku, si thoyol komplen yg blog dia dah start jadi cam anti-govt blog. Well, aku dah lama x follow blog dia. Tapi aku rasa dari dulu lagi blog dia ada diselitkan unsur2 anti-govt. Biasanya
komplen itu dan ini je la. But don't get me wrong, though he's complaining a lot, he's not on the
opposition rack. Sebab kadang2 tu dua2 pihak dia bantai kutuk. Bagi aku la kan, komplen adalah
satu bende yg bagus, as long komplen tu tak lebih memihak kepada kepentingan sendri. I'm not sure if thoyol mention this one in his blog, but the govt dicision to spend 30 Mil to repair the
parliament's roof is bit excessive. People will wonder, what the hell?!! If so, they have to explain the usage of every penny to the people, coz it's our money to be use in the first place.

I'll post some of my Bali pictures next time. Until then, chow.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Chapter 32 - Bali, Island of Paradise

This post is due for 1 week. Hohohoho....malas lak 2-3 hari nih. Neway, meh nak crite sket pasal Bali.

Located at south of Malaysia, east of Tanah Jawa and north of Australia. Infact, aussie refer Bali as backyard of Australia sebab lebih dekat Bali ngan Australia than Bali ngan M'sia. M'sia ---> Bali through airflight mengambil masa 3 jam. Kalau naik perahu x tau la bila nak sampai.
Click here for map

Majoriti org disana beragama hindu. The religion was brought in by people of majapahit who fleed from demak when demak invaded jawa. This part of invasion was shown in Puteri Gunung Ledang the Movie masa Azmil Mustapa a.k.a otai demak jumpa ngan Alex Komang a.k.a otai majapahit nakkan wang perlindungan. Ah, melalut plak sekejap.....By the way, org Islam adalah golongan minoriti disana. Masjid pon bleh kira ngan jari bilangannya. Masalahnye muka diorang yang hindu dan islam nak sama je sume, kalu xde calit kat dahi tu dah x kenal mana satu hindu dan mana satu islam. So, to differentiate kenalah tanya nama diorang. Kalau org islam, namanya lebih kepada nama org melayu @ islam cam Aminah, Salamiah, Ahmad dll.. Kalu org hindu, namanya mesti ada tambahan yg menunjukkan turutan dalam keluarga cam 3rd child mesti ada 'Komang' dalam namanya dan 4th child mesti ada 'Ketut' dalam namanya. Yg 1st ngan 2nd tuh aku dah lupa....

Home Decor
Memang spesen umah2 kat bali. Rekabentuk dia mmg dari dulu cenggitu. Each home has to have a home temple. Kalau nak aku 'describe'kan, home temple tu rupanya cam kerusi umpire yg diperbuat daripada batu. The size is varies; kalau byk duit, beli la home temple yg besar sket. Home temple lak diorang letak kat penjuru timur laut umah tu. Tmpt utk diorang semayang 3 kali sehari. Sape yg berada, buat pakai batu gunung berapi yg hitam kalernya. Then, instead of gate, diorang pakai pintu gerbang. Not exactly pintu gerbang yg kaw2 besar cam nak sambut YB atau menteri, but pintu gerbang batu yg jadi trademark kat bali. Maknanya, kalau gi memana kat bali mesti nampak bende tuh kat setiap
umah. Even isi kandungan umah tu pon ada guidelinenya, dari toilet ke bilik tidur anak pompuan, anak laki, dapur ngan ruang utk aktiviti(cam kematian, kawin etc.). Ada cara susunannya yg malas aku nak terangkan...

There's no place like home....Nak cari makanan yg halal mmg susah. Since most of em org hindu, so diorang x kesah la bab2 halal haram nih. Mkanan spesel utk gerai2 kat sana (selain gerai nasi padang yg aku x sure halal ke idak) adalah...jeng...jeng...jeng...Babi Guling atau suckling pig. Kalau lalu mana2 kedai yg ada babi guling nanti nampakla anak babi yg kemerah-merahan ala-ala chicken roasted atas dulang. Makanan halal tu ada la, kena pandai cari je la... KFC, McD, Pizza Hut ngan A&W tu bleh la makan sebab ada sijil halal yg dikeluarkan oleh Majlis Islam Indonesia.

Places of attraction
= Kuta Beach - Pantai yang feymes kat Bali. Sini la tmpt orang nak surfing. Tapi masa aku pegi, tide x tinggi tapi masih ada orang yang surfing.Alongside Kuta Beach, terletaknya hotel2, kedai2 dan mall2. Dekat Kuta beach tu juga letaknya Legian road, tmpt yang mana sebuah pub telah diletupkan dan mengorbankan lebih 300 nyawa. Aku difahamkan yg pub tu discriminate terhadap org2 indon. Kira only foreigners allowed, but i don't think that the sole reason knape pub tu dak?
= Kintamanis - Highland yang menghadap tasik semulajadi ngan gunung berapi yang masih lagi aktif tapi masih blom mau meletup. Tmpt tu cam rupa Mordor pon ada...sebab kaki gunung tu kaler hitam dek batu lava cam dalam LOTR. Cuma x kuar wap je.= tanah Lot - Tempat best nak tgk sunset sambil minum air kelapa muda. Alangkah indahnya kalau bersama awek ketika itu...cewah....

Bersepah mat & minah saleh kat sana especially dari Australia. Asal kalih je nampak diorang. Tour guide aku ckp recently banyak plak mat & minah sepet yang dtg especially dari jepun dan korea. Surely diorang anggap bali ni heaven of leisure ngan shopping. Kayla, foreigners kat
bumi org pon friendly jugak, especially minah2 saleh yg lay topless kat beach. Damn!! Aku apa lagi, kepala arah lain, mata pandang lain la.... Muahahaha.... Totally an eye wash for a kampung guy like me. Don't blame me arr, all guyz are same maa... Unfortunately, aku cuma jejakkan
kaki kat beach tu masa last day aku kat sana. Screw u travel agency!! Suppose diorang bawak pegi pantai dulu...

Aku difahamkan dah xde kes2 pickpocket kat bali. But sure hell org bali ni annoying pursuer and persuasive. Kalu diorang jual something, mmg betul dia follow pastu pujuk sruh beli. Kadang2 tu bleh lemas ngan peniaga2 kat sana. Dah kata tak nak pon diorang ikut jugak. Nak cari makan la katakan... Driver2 kat sana mmg kuat hon dan bit rude. Keluar masuk jalan tu ikut suka hati je. Even kalau berdiri tepi jalan nak lintas pon kena hon. Tu la yang membuatkan org dok hon je x henti2. Tapi aku x pernah nampak lagi accident kat sana. Maybe pasal selalu sangat dengar hon, diorang jadi lebih aware kot.... Another thing, locals at Bali skrg nih byk yg berbinikan minah saleh. Kira satu culture issue gak kat sana. Lantak la...

Cheap stuffs
Totally mith. Xde la murah sangat, setin coke diapon sama gak harganya ngan kat M'sia punya. Fast food dia aku rasa mahal sket je dari kat M'sia. Cuma yg murah, brg2 branded cam quiksilver, billabong, roxy, kasut2 nike, adidas dll. Brg imitation pon byk kat sana. Sape yg master tawar menawar xde hal la kalau gi sana. Untung2 baju RM60 bleh tarik jadi RM20.

Hmm....Tu je la yg aku rajin nak tulis. Nak tau lebih lagi, pegi sendri la!!!


Saturday, May 14, 2005

Chapter 31 - aPai Return

Hey dude....aku dah balik dari Bali. Quite nice. I'll tell bout my trip later on my next post. Rite now tgh dizzy sket. Kay Chow....

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Chapter 30 - I'm Off For Awhile

Yeah, i'm going to Bali until this Friday. So, off....


Friday, May 06, 2005

Chapter 29 - Freaky Friday

Whazzup... thinking that my blog need new makeover. Been with this template since the beginning. Even thoyol got his blog with this template. Bah! better change for he might accuse me copy-cat him. I saw some blogs that were well customize especially by those anime maniacs. Nicely done! I'd tried check on their html coding. Some were recognized but most of em using css and java script. Yeah, dun wanna mess up my head rite now.

Yesterday, my new landlord called me asking when we gonna pay the rent for May..... Geez, I thought the rent for 2 months were covered with the deposit we paid last month.'s kinda hard to put up that sum myself since I can't reach my housemates. Damn yall. Dok jauh2. Well, that's my problem....Makin kurus la piggy bank aku. huhuhuhu...


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Chapter 28 - Man -vs- Car; "Dude, Where's Your Eye?"

Nak diceritakan, beberapa hari lalu... aku balik dari bermain basketball kat UIA. Kebetulan member aku follow balik sama sebab dia nak pinjam cerita F.R.I.E.N.D.S dari aku. Sampai umah, aku park kancil aku(Mak aku punya...) blakang kreta Iswara(Mak aku punya gak...) kat tepi umah aku(Mak ngan ayah aku punya...).Time tu dalam pukul 7.45 pm, lepas kasi vcds tu aku lepak jap kat blakang umah ngan member aku; sembang2 sket. Tgh dok asyik sembang, tetiba je dengar bunyi kaca pecah diikuti ngan bunyi alarm keta kancil. Kalih2 nampak sorang bdak bawak beskal dok meng'aduh' kat tepi keta kancil aku. Cepat2 aku tahan bdak tuh sebab nampak gayanya cam dalam posisi mengayuh nak cabut. Member dia awal2 dah memecut ala2 Lance Armstrong ntah kemana... Aku tgk lutut dia dah berdarah, ala...luka kecik je. Tengok kancil aku, tail-light dah pecah. Hmmmm...dah la penat main basketball, tau2 balik kena mende cenggini. Mana x hangin. Tapi hangin2 pon aku cuba reasonable la jugak. Ikutkan manual samseng jalanan memang dah kena dah bdak nih. Aku takat gertak2 sket je... Pastu aku tanya nombor tepon bdak tu, dia pon kasi la.... Pastu dia cakap nak balik panggil bapak dia, aku pon lepaskan....

Tip #1 - Jgn lepaskan pesalah sebegini tanpa bahan rampasan sebagai cagaran bahawa dia akan datang kembali. Kalau dia bawak wallet, simpan IC dia. Kalau dia bawak beskal, simpan beskal dia. Kalau dia bawak beca, simpan beca dia. . Sruh dia menapak balik umah....

So...tunggu nyer tunggu, dia tak muncul2 gak. Pastu aku kasi no tepon bdak tuh kat mak aku.

Tip #2 - Kenal pasti pesalah....Tengok IC dia, mana tau dia adalah anak jiran sebelah umah anda ataupun mempunyai hubungan bau-bau bacang dengan anda. Kena tau katne dia tinggal.

Mak aku pon tepon la nom tuh.....

Tip #3 - Jgn percaya 100% nom tepon yang pesalah kasi. Kalau nak lebih confirm follow dia balik umah dia. Of course, bawak la kawan yg tough2 sket sbb kalau dia tipu bleh beduk dia on the spot.

Nasib baik la nombor tuh betol. Turn out, bdak tu cucu kawan mak aku. Rupa2nya, bdak tu and family x tinggal kat situ, sebab ada umah sendri kat Sri Gombak. Bdak tu lak balik x cakap apa, trus balik umah dia ngan ayah dia. Nenek dia pon nak tau gak camne leh jadi cenggini, dia pon tepon la bdak tu. Bdak tu pon crite yang keta langgar dia. Muahahaha..... Mak aku cakap yang keta tu dok diam je kat tepi umah x berganjak2 pon, lagipon kalau keta langgar dia xdenye luka sket2 camtu.

Kata orang, "Nenek mana yang x sayang cucunya"....Damn wrong. Nenek dia langsung x caya crite bdak tu. Hohohohoho..... Last2, bapak dia settle sendri ngan aku. Bapak dia beli part yang pecah tu pastu datang pasang sendri. Settle problem..... tapi yang misterinye, camne bdak tu bleh langgar keta aku... high ke hape???

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Chapter 27 - The Profound Happiness

Whazzup mate? Yeah... still malas nak blogging, tapi sbb tunggu download anime yg makan masa sejam lagi nak siap, so in the mean time aku pon merajinkan diri tulis blog. Skarang dah ramai yg meng'blog'kan diri mereka. Bagi aku, blog ni mcm tulis jurnal la jugak. Still remember masa kat asrama dulu ada satu log book yg diorang letak kat pejabat so budak2 nih dapat mengutarakan pendapat2 bernas (biasanya yang kata2 x puas hati, tikam sana dan sini serta melahirkan kata2 cinta). So, everyday mesti ada new entry. Adala nama2 yang aku masih ingat. Sume dalam tuh pakai nickname, so kiranya aku membuat tekaan kasar saje. Even aku pon join same tapi x la sekerap mamat dEandy tuh. Btw, im using "qwerty" as my nickname dan aku bukanlah nama besar dalam log tu coz yg tulis tu besanya dak2 yg powerf english ataupon dak2 english society, drama, etc. and im not one of them. Akupon bukannye glamer masa asrama dulu. Senyap2 je duduk kat dorm ngan kelas. Huhuhuhu.....Hehehehehe...

Well, im bored to death now. Tapi malas nak keje sepanjang cuti ni. Did I mention yang aku x penah ada working xp? Yeah, im proud of it. Dikala member aku sebok buat part time, aku sebok menambahkan bil elektrik kat umah. Seblom cuti berkobar2 aku nak buat itu dan ini, tapi bila dah cuti rasa malas plak. Masa plak rasa cepat je berlalu. Mana x nye, bangun dah tengahari. Muahahaha..... Lepas bangun je kena hantar adik aku gi kelas kat British Council. pastu lepak2, main komputer, surf internet.... petang gi main basketball. Malam sambung layan pc balik. Itu jela keje aku cuti nih....Kehidupan pelajar bercuti yang terlampau.


"'Blackmail' is such an ugly word. I prefer 'extortion.' The 'X' makes it sound cool." -Bender, Futurama

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Chapter 26 - Self Review

What is this ugly painting? Xde seni langsung! Well, no one to be blame since its my hand who drew it. Actually this is one of the personality test or review or something that my sedara make me do it. Korang pon meh buat sama. All u got to do is; in this drawing u MUST include a sun, flower(s), grass(es), a tree, a river and a snake.

p/s: a bicycle and a house has nothing to do with your personality, nice try dad!

I'm gonna tell u the meaning of each object later. It's no fun to spill it out now.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Chapter 25 - The Lazy Me

Sorry...just don't feel like blogging recently. Yeah, my final xm was over. Hope I'll pass it with flying colors. Just hope... Well, so much to tell but so lazy to type. So I'll sum up things happened after the previous blog.

5th Apr - xm abis... stay kat Shah Alam till thursday. Just hang out with frens and doing some upload and download stuff.

11th Apr - visit cousins at Johor Bahru. Kawan aku sebok gossip kata aku pegi jumpa awek. Pft... how did they get such idea? well, alang2 dah sampai johor, singgah jap kat skudai ambilkan transkrip n sijil yang dah 'due' 1 thn. Funny thing was, i forgot all the detail bout my study at UTMKL. Yeah, even my student ID and my course code.

13th Apr - Got home from JB. I didn't exactly mention the reason we went to JB. Not just visiting, but also settling some family affair down there. Well, I quite sympathize my cousins. They were poorly educated, lost their mom few years ago, and a hot-tempered father. The oldest one just 2 years younger than me. Rite now working to feed himself and put some food on the family dine table. 2nd one, the only girl in the family, took off and stay with her boyfriend's family coz can't stand with her dad and step-mom. The most trouble of all, the 3rd one in the family who finished school with unknown SPM result. Ripped off 12 grand from my uncle, friends with troublesome lads. Jobless and turning himself into one of the thousands 'mat rempit' in JB. Meanwhile the 4th and 5th are fortunately to stay in school though got few records of smoking n ponteng. The 5th one still got trouble with multiplication and division though he's in form 1. It's hard knowing yer blood related family turn out to be like this, and it's enough to be a reason for us to drive down there each 1-2 month to see how the're doing. Tough huh?

15th Apr - Having friendly match against Stallion (1 of the giant in non-chinese b-ball teams). The game was quite in our hand (yeah, since we got ronaldo and tam) but near the end of 2nd quarter, the light went off. Suppose the guy who booked the court didn't come that night. Not to mention, I didn't got a chance to show some of my moves (yea rite, like I got one)...

16th Apr - Having this Doa Selamat at my house with sedara-mara coming over. The event was in conjunction with my sis good SPM result and few of the family members birthday. I took off right after they cut the cake, to play basketball. hahahaah.....

That's that. By the way, the O.C rocks dude.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Chapter 24 - Just A Little Bit

5 down, 1 to go.... Waaa... just now aku baru je menghabiskan paper CISCO. Adala tough sket coz budget soalan yg kluar senang2 cam past year nyer paper tapi x suma yang kita harapkan akan terjadi. Ceis!! So rite now, i just cross my finger... Tolongla wahai lecturer CISCO yang amat baik hati untuk lebih lembut hati ketika tanda paper aku...Huhuhuhu.....

So...dengan break 5 hari ni aku akan manfaatkan sebaik2nye utk last paper nanti.
1st 2 days - duk umah main PS2
3rd day - Keluar ngan Ijam tgk concert kawan dia
4th day - Balik Shah Alam (sblm tu singgah Low Yat dulu)
5th day - baru bukak buku...yezzaaaaahhh

Ishk...apsal leceh sgt firewall kampus nih... nak bukak itu x dapat, nak bukak ini pon x dapat.... bukak google pon x kasi.... apa crite nih?
So, these are among the forbidden words yang server haram nak pandang apatah lagi nak process (kalau search tu jgn harap dia nak display):
- game
- anime
- manga
- sex
- bittorrent

ah, chow la.....

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Chapter 23 - The Radiator

another sigh.... Hear this. I was on my way back to Shah Alam when I realized that the car's radiator is overheated. Luckily I realized it soon enough coz I nearly exit the Sentul. Enjin kreta dah mcm nak padam sendri. Aku pon pikir la,"Apahal lak kreta nih..menggeletar semacam je". Turned out that the temperature dah max giler. Aku naik cuak la. Trus masuk satu lorong tepi AmBank kat depan Dynasty Hotel. Nasib lagi baik ada sebotol air paip yg aku dah ready dulu2 in case anything like this happen. Isi punya isi, x penuh2 gak. Mata aku trus tertarik untuk melihat air yg mengalir dari bawah kereta aku. "なに!!!! (What!!!!)", rupa2nya radiator ku bocor. Dengan hati2 aku drive, U-turn kat depan hotel Grand Continental, habis mana mangkuk2 yg bawak slow tu sume aku sumpah seranah. Thought that i can make it until Komuter Sentul, rupa2nya kena stop gak. Nasib la ada Shell kat situ, disamping dapat isi air radiator, dapat la jugak isi tekak yg dah kering ni. Agak2 5-10 min, aku drive balik. Nak ikutkan dah 5 perhentian aku stop sejukkan radiator, kurang dua lagi nak jadik cam 7 perhentian, cerita dari Prof Razak Mohideen yang roomate aku x suka tu. Yg bezanya xde Erra Fazira je dalam cerita aku. Huhuhu.... Chow a, nak call pomen bengkel tmpt aku hantar kreta tadi. Bengkel depan rumah je....

Monday, March 21, 2005

Chapter 22 - The Final Is Here

Y'all, i'm gonna continue my blabbering bout ED next time coz i'm in the middle of MY FINAL rite now. Hope i'm doing great in this final xm. Done my english paper yesterday. 2 hour credits, but still struggling doing it. Gosh...

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Chapter 21 - The Day To Build Your Empire Out Of Your Dreams

Mari rapat2 adik2, abang2, makcik2, pakcik2, sedara2 dan sedari2 sekalian. Berdagang hamba bukan sebarangan, dagang hamba dagang spesel. Meh nak kasi intro sikit kat mende yang aku nak introduce kat korang....

*sejak bila lak aku pandai guna blog nih utk promote business? Since it's mine... Muahahaha...

Kayla, this business was introduced by my fren, tarmizi a.k.a dugong. Those whois from MRSM Jasin surely kenal la.... He was introduced to this business by also one of my fren, Amri a.ka. meri. It's called 'EmpireDreams'. Cewah, nama cam tajuk starwars lak. Kayla... 1st of all, to those yang dah involve dgn business lain cam LUXOR (betol ke aku eja), Amway ke, Omegatrend ke, dan lain2 supaya jgn makan hati or offended coz it is not my intention to do so. Even korang kalau dah join nama2 tadi pon still bleh join dis business utk dptkan xtra side income (I believe, Mr Farihin (x silap aku student UM ke hape), diamond-something kat LUXOR tu actually dah pon masuk ED). 2nd of all, jangan samakan business ni dgn other business yg disebut tadi coz those business are merely product-based business while ED is service-based business. And 3rd of all, ED is Malaysia made maa.... established 4 years ago but focused their market kat 20 buah negara di serata dunia je time tu(yg mana skrg dah masuk 50). Org M'sia xleh nak masuk market cenggini lagi time tu... HQ kat Kerinchi, Bangsar (ceh! sbb tu la dak2 UM laju je jalan)... Their admin sumee kat 40th floor KLCC (office tau, bukan sebagai janitor...), financially managed by HSBC bank dan byk lg collaboration yang aku malas nak taip.

Imagine this... yer fren wanted to create new email account and he/she ask for ur opinion, for example; you suggest him/her to create new account with yahoo! katakan....pastu dia pon ikut je... but ada yahoo! kasi bonus or reward for what u've done? So, business ni nyer konsep cam introduce this services kat org then dia akan kasi reward ke hape ke....

Standard la mana2 business... ada la level2 dia. Cam ED ni ada 3 lvl. 1st one, bronze merchant (pedagang tembaga) which is more affordable dgn bayaran RM399. 2nd, silver merchant (pedagang perak) yang kena byr around RM1000++ tapi dicover insurance dan kereta punya hape ntah... dan lastly, gold merchant(pedagang emas) yang xleh byr byk manapon nak masuk sebab ianya lebih kpd recognition kat depa2 yang achieve satu lvl yg aku pon xtau.

Utk si pedagang tembaga (nama ni aku gatal2 bubuh sbb cam nama watak komik Tony Wong), dia bukan dpt email je, tapi dapat:
- free web hosting x silap aku >1 GB
- basic 200 merchant point (MP) yg bleh ditukar utk mende2 yg best cam h/p, palm, applePOD, laptop, dan kopi(aku rasa saje je dia nak amik hati pihak2 tertentu...). Ataupun bleh redeem awal2 utk debit card yang bleh swipe kat mana2 kedai berlogo 'MASTERCARD electron' dan ditopup kat mana2 e-Pay @ e-Purse di serata tmpt. Senang kat 7-Eleven je... Debit dia samada korang leh topup sendri atau transfer cash dari account ED korang. Each swipe give yer 1USD (oh ye, btw sumee transaction dlm USD) dan bleh dapat diskaun up to 40% termasuk masa Mega-Sale. 2nd redeem, utk dptkan satu number phone private yg x perlu la cabut sim card ke hape kalau nak pakai coz dia integrate ngan sim card korang. X kesah la pakai DiGi ke, Maxis ke.. rate dia x silap, 30c/min dan lebih rendah lagi kalau call luar negara.
-e-Portal sendri yg mana kat situ la bleh buat sumee urusan check msg ke, transaction transfer duit ke(applied to all bank in da world...kalau ada swiss bank pon bleh pakai), nak tambah konco2 anda ke, nak redeem brg ke... dan jugak edit web korang.
-mobile commerce yg mana bleh buat sumee urusan kat h/phone saje. Tapi skrg xleh access lagi coz tgh upgrade mende tuh...
-car fund. Nanti aku cerita sbb dah lenguh nak taip
-dia ada lagi satu...tapi aku dah lupa...

Aku 1st day masuk je dah generate 20USD + 10MP. Tapi satu je nak bagitau korang, dis thing is totally new kat M'sia, so market sangat2 luas. Meri n da gang dah sapu Unimas dan skrg kat Shah Alam. Pasni aku ingat nak gi Poli Shah Alam. Even Toot kat Aussie pon ajak mat saleh sana masuk. Yela... bukannye niaga payung dan bantal, tapi servis beb!('beb' tu aku amik dari dugong). Selagi ada access internet, kat ceruk antartika pon no hal punye.. tapi xkan nak ajak penguin2 dan singa laut masuk kot...

So, next time aku sambung story pasal camne nak generate income..of course sama cam lain, kena tambah konco2, tapi lagi cambest dan senang...

Monday, March 07, 2005

Chapter 20 - Tahen Desu Ne....

*sigh*...I just join this course group in Yahoo!, which is my course group. Thought I would see some peaceful sight or whatsoever, but the first newsletter i got was this person arguing bout his/her unsatisfied with how things run in the organization. Huh.. Dari presiden sampai ke orang kebanyakan dok bertikam lidah dalam tu. Carut2an yang dicencored, tuduhan2 yg direct, tukang kipas yang mengkipas org2 tertentu.... Sehari je aku dapat 15++ mail dalam inbox aku. Penat nak baca satu2, aku delete je sume... Heheheh. Ikutkan hati nak je aku banned diorang, tapi dah aku bukan moderator, nak buat camne.... Plus, I bet others are enjoying the scenery. Yela... kalau sunyi pon bukannya diorang suka. Biarlah...

SEPET.... aku x sepet pon. But I watched dis movie last monday. My fren, si thoyol yang dok promote. Actually mmg dah terniat dihati nak tonton sejak aku tau Yasmin yang bikin filem nih. Though aku x brape layan her previous drama, 'Rabun' coz crite tu cam kurang ciri2 kemuda-remajaan bagi aku, but her reputation dari iklan2 Merdeka, Raya n lain2; showed me that she got vision. We need more person like that in our film industry. Neway, last Moday:

-duit dalam poket tinggal RM 12
-Still kat Shah Alam
-Nak sangat tengok Sepet!!!
-Tol nak balik = RM 1.10
-X makan lagi dan perut dah lapar
-Nak sangat tengok Sepet!!!
-Parking Mid-Valley = RM 1
-Tiket Sepet = RM 10
-Nak sangat tengok Sepet!!!

So, lastly... slepas pikir2, aku pegi gak... abis klas pkl 5.30 trus pegi mid-valley. Pegi awal, sbb takut jem. Sampai 6.45, tiket pkl 7.00.... Nasib baik sempat. Oh ye...aku pegi sengsorang je. Although still dalam 1st week ditayang, diorang dah letak dalam panggung kecik. Aku budget x ramai la yang datang, but turn out hampir penuh gak la. Plus ada mamat minah cina tengok skali. Wonder what pulled them to watch sepet. Think that, other film-maker should use the same formula utk tarik market cina n india.

Kay, the story soo touching. That at least what my fren told me. But, Sharifah Amani sooooo kawai-desu!!!!! Calling Jason 'sayang' with her cute voice..... Jelesnye!!!!!!! T_T
I was entertained by the film from the very beginning except the ending which aku rasa cam x complete je... What happen to Jason and orked in the end? But anyway, two thumbs up kat yasmin.... very nice. She really speaks her heart out in this film. Think u guys should go and watch fer yerself.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Chapter 19 - 4 Days Before Milan ~ Man United Clash

So bummed..... How come Man U only managed to draw with Crystal Palace... Now the gap is back to 9 points and Arsenal's deficit become to 2 points.....Aiyaa....So close to chase Chelsea.... Neway, hope they regain their goal fest this wednesday when they gonna head-to-head with AC Milan for the 2nd match of CL. Ganbatte!!!
2 mlm yg lepas, aku telah pegi ke jamuan dinner course aku...believe me, we're the only course yang buat dinner tiap2 semester. Well, the dinner took place at Tanjung Harapan yang mana ianya terletak lebey kurang 30+ km dari Shah Alam...Jauhnya...tambah 10 km lagi sampai umah aku... But honestly, dinner tu x mengecewakan. The food was nice and I was quite entertained that night... Cuma, aku semeja ngan all-boys... so ratio makanan aku tu dah kurang sket.... but, no complaint bout that... Yang penting, aku dah tambah member. Ye la.... masa mula2 masuk tu kan aku lone-ranger je... nggak kenal sesapa... Tapi skrg kalau jumpa tgh jalan, bleh la tegur2 sket, angkat tangan ke ataupun show some cool face while raising up my eyebrows.
Kayla... To those yang ada exam ke hape ke minggu depan, I wish yall gud luck and all da best (including myself). I dunna bout u guys, tapi akunyer xm 20 hb karang... rasanya... aku pon x tengok jadual lagi. It's kinda bad habit of mine, suka tgk jadual last2 minute. Penah dulu terkantoi, tapi x serik2..... Hope to change that next sem...Huhhuhuhu...
p/s: Sesape ada blog, please post it to me....u told me u have one, rite Chah? Ustat xkan xde?

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Chapter 18 - The First Week Of March

Well, this is a picture i took at Genting Highland. One of them which i like most. Aku gi sana 2 minggu yang lepas. Of course ngan family. Coz, nowadays kalau aku cakap gi memana je, member mesti tanya, "gi ngan awek ye?". Huhuhu.... sedey2... Ah, aku pon x nak cerita byk2 pasal gi genting tu sbb aku bukan buat apa pon kat sana. I just went there to accompanied my family + my cousins which they came a day earlier. So, xde la gi main roller coaster ke hape... just lepak2 amik angin bukit yang segar.

This is one of my new 'neko's. Around 3 weeks old. Ada lagi 3 ekor kat belakang dia. So, this 4 ekor aku rasa yang 3rd generation kat umah aku. Of course nenek diorang dah mati, yang tinggal mak dia ngan uncle dia ngan kawan uncle dia. Kawan uncle dia aku suspect mentally disorder la... cam sengal je aku tengok... Sian pon ada..... Anyway, semenjak diorang dah belajar berlari dan memanjat, aku rasa aktiviti diluar rumah amat terhad seperti menyapu sampah (jarang buat), menyiram pokok bunga (pon jarang buat) dan menyidai baju dan membakar sampah (lagi la jarang).... Diorang asyik ikut je kemana aku pegi. Penat wooo.... Ni belum belajar panjat tingkat dan membuka tudung saji lagi ni... Aku harap uncle diorang tidak menurunkan ilmu tu kat diorang, sbb uncle diorang mmg hassler giler bab2 bukak tudung saji.....
Oh ya... tidak dilupai kepada ustat din, chah ngan akim, thanks for your comments. Especially kat ustat din yang telah mempromote blog ni kat kengkawan yang lain. Hmm...sebenarnya ~apai~ ngan ~mayat~ adalah org yg sama. Just fewer people call me that nowadays. Maybe aku kat tmpt baru, so diorang x tau la sejarah nickname aku. Dan aku lak x introduce kat diorang nick tu. I can stand if they call me so, tapi yang x thnnye soalan yang ditanya,"camne bleh dpt nama mayat?", "Apakah makna disebalik nama itu?" dan memacam lagi.... aku malas nak jawab je... Tapi korang tau kan..... huhuhuhuhu..... Pasal proposal kau ustat din mmg aku setuju...tapi aku x penah layan gundam seed destiny lagi, just gundam seed je... anyway, Im currently watching Prince Of Tennis, Tales of Eternia, FMA (mesti ko dah khatam) and looking for Gundam Seed 45 and above, Chobits dan apa2 lagi yang best....
p/s: neko is cat in japanese, i believe it is called katze in germany...

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Chapter 17 - The Last Week Of February 2005

Hellloooo (mcm Julia, DJ X-Fresh FM)..... Hmm, lagi sekali aku menghilangkan diri utk seketika. Bukannya mengelakkan pihak berkuasa tapi mmg jarang balik umah. Even kalau balik umah pon, malas nak update blog nih. Sbb, besanya kalau balik umah mesti sambung main game Suikoden IV. Skrg nih dah nak lwn boss yang ter'otai' dalam game tuh. Tapi, semenjak aku balik ptg tadi, masih x dtg seru utk bukak PS2 lagi. Update fantasy EPL team aku, pastu donlod lagu2 dan manga2, pastu baru datang hidayah utk update mende alah nih. Hehehe...

Semalam gi Low Yat, teman member aku amik monitor dia yg rosak. Dalam hati nak jugak cari Gundam Seed 45-end. Tapi x jumpa2. Ada mmg ada, cuma malas nak jalan byk2. Lepas beli 2-3 dvd, trus balik. Tu pon masa belek2 dvd, apek tuh dah kemas2 barang sbb dia kata ada rush japgi. Pergh! Blom sampai dah tau. Tonto tahap dewa ke hape ntah. Btw, aku beli movie jepang, 'Umizaru'(monyet laut) ngan anime 'Hikaru no Go'. Tertariknya aku utk beli Umizaru sbb tgk iklan Box Office kat Astro. Cambest...mmg best pon. Kayla...actually cite tu pon based on manga ke novel (x ingat which 1). Tgk cite tu, ada lagu yg sedap telinga aku mendengar. Balik umah trus cari kat Imesh. Kalau nak dengar, cari "Open arms" dari Journey. Aku rasa lagu dah lama, penyanyi pon x kenal. 'Hikaru no Go' lak mmg dah lama aku carik. Aku ingatkan chess cina, rupa2nya main kepong2 (kalau korang ingat la, game kepong XO yg penah glamer satu masa dulu dan dimainkan dalam buku math), tapi layan gak. Setakat nih, anime tu xde la menunjukkan power2 yang dasat ketika main Igo (nama game tu), cuma skill2 cam anticipation dan luck yang real.

Ok la.. aku tetiba rasa xde bende nak taip lak. Adios...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Chapter 16 - The Long Absence

Wahlau.... lama giler x update. Nearly a month. X bz mana pon.... Kay la, to sum up events that happened after the previous post:

> Raya Haji balik kampung kat Penang. Went there for about 5 days. Nothing much happen, just gi tengok wayang ngan cousins, teman mak gi shopping, gi Padang Kota, makan nasi kandar.... tu je la. Actually, balik pon sebab sedara aku buat majlis korban. Nak jugak aku pegi tengok. 1 more thing... ada brader kewl yg best kasi nasi lemak free each time aku beli nasi lemak kat dia. Dah la sedap, dapat free lagi. Kacau aku punye program diet je. Huhuhuhu....

> Pastu kelas besa la, pegi kelas, ponteng, test quiz, bla bla bla......

> Majlis hantar tanda (9 . 2 . 2005) cousin aku yang dari Penang kat Bangsar dengan cousin aku lagi satu. Actually, both of them are divorcees. Yang laki tu cousin belah mak aku while yang pompuan tu cousin belah bapak aku. They met during my bro's wedding and fell in love on the first sight. Then they went out together couple of time and found themselves sooo in love. Isn't it nice?! Ayat ni dipetik daripada diorang sendri: "Love is faster than time". =]

Majlis kawin diorang InsyaAllah akan dilangsungkan dalam bulan 6 karang....

> Berita sensasi!!! Aku tengah injured hasil bermain basketball petang semalam. Usually kena kat kaki kiri, but this time kena kat kaki kanan. I dont know what happened actually, maybe salah landing, maybe landing atas kaki orang but 1 thing I did remember was the cracking sound. Horrifying.. Pastu my dad bawak orang gaji makcik aku yang pandai urut semalam. Pergh...sakit dowh... X tau nak cakap samada semakin baik or not. Biasanya kalau kena, that particular day mmg x rasa sakit, tapi bila bangun esoknya....huhuhuhu...... Rite now I can't even apply pressure on my right heel. Nak jalan pon susah. X tau camne nak balik Shah Alam japgi....

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Chapter 15 - Boy Day Out

hallu.... Wah... lama la x update. What can I say, sejak-2-menjak ni mmg aku melekat kat hostel je. Malas nak balik la plak. Tapi skang dah balik dah.... giler la x balik sebab tgh cuti mid-term nih. Dengan harapan, nak bantai cuti habis-habisan pastu baru pulun study. Ye la...result last sem aku pon bukan excellent. So, that's the idea....for now....hehehehe

Satu hari tadi kuar ngan my bro and sis. Cadang nak gi OU, tapi tengok org Q nak parking, trus putus semangat. Dah abih tawaf OU tu aku drive, tapi parking asyik full je. lastly, kitorang decide gi Ikano je. Dalam tuh pon memacam ada. Kedai sebijik dah la besar2. Lenguh berjalan je. Lepas abis round dalam tu, gi plak Curve. Seblah je. Dalam tu ada Echo Park. Saje je rasa nak masuk. Tau2 jumpa member basket kat Sri Gombak dulu. Dulu keje Jun Saito kat Sg Wang, pastu kena transfer ke situ. Bukan apa, nak crite dalam Echo Park tu ada small half-court basketball. Itu saje. Aku x la test power. Segan ah.

Chow dulu. Abg aku ajak gi Uptown. Aku cakap kat dia, sana byk kasut(ciplak la.. Tapi cam real). So, dia nak survey la tu. Kalau ada yang berkenan, aku pon nak.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Chapter 14 - The One On The Wedding Day

It's been 2 weeks since my bro gotten married. At first, I want to post this right after the wedding, but it's been a bz week afterall. OKla... wedding tu meriah giler. Start with akad nikah pada hari Jumaat(24.12.04), bersanding kat rumah perempuan(25.12.04) and lastly kat umah kitorang(26.12.04). Apa yang meriah, rumah ni x henti2 kunjung tiba dari sedara mara yang datang. Makcik2 & pakcik2 overnight for several days sebab nak tolong itu dan ini. Hiruk pikuk cousins dan anak sedara lari2 keliling umah. Setup meja dan kerusi, pasang khemah, angkat itu dan ini, kemas itu dan ini. It's tiring but fun sebab buat keje ramai2.

My dad rent 2 buses so kitorang sefamili boleh gi sekaligus ke wedding ceremony kat umah pengantin pompuan. Betul gak ckp ayah aku, leceh kalau nak pegi bwk transport sendri2. Nak cerita pasal parking lagi, duit minyak lagi... tu x kira yang sesat lagi tu. So dipendekkan crite, ayah aku pon sewa 2 bas, famili belah mak dan ayah aku campur2 naik 2 bas tuh. Rasa cam nak balik kampung lak. Nasib baik tak jauh je... kat Selayang je. Alhamdulillah, masa ceremony tu cuaca baik. Ada la mendung sket, tapi x hujan. Kepada kawan2 yang duduk dekat umah aku...sori terlupa nak jemput. One of my close fren siap sms lagi marah sebab x jemput dia. Aku pon jemput la dia on the spot. Last2 dia ckp yang dia on diet, so xleh dtg...lgpon dia kat UIA by that time (Blah la Ali...ko dah kurus, buat apa nak diet lagi...). Actually, bukan x menjemput, tapi terlupa + malas. Nasib baik kengkawan bball datang dgn tanpa segan silu, habis jugak sehidang lauk tu. Hehehehe.... Also, thanks kat Azan yang datang sambil menjemput Izah, Farid dan Din.

In the end, bila majlis dah tamat, kitorang lepak ramai2 kat luar sambil minum kopi dan sirap kenduri. Bergelak ketawa, crite memacam and by that time la my dad announce pasal kejadian gempa bumi dan tsunami yang melanda M'sia. Aku ingat x serius la, then bila tengok berita malam tu baru tau kedasyatan bencana alam tuh. Ianya adalah something yang perlu kita renungkan dan ambil iktibar. Hmmm....

:: G Talk ::

:: ViD bOx ::

Wonderboy? - Nobody