i'm having hard time lately. my health failing, my wealth down into the drain. at least i've got something to look forward to; paycheck. heheh.. it's about time already. surat mintak hutang dari TM sudah sampai. bil tepon akan sampai dlm 2-3 hari lagi. apa lagi? oh ye, PTPTN pon nnt akan hntar surat lawyer. Sial sgt...x check database ke? yang aku ni masih kategori pelajar. even the time after i graduated from diploma, some lawyer sent me warning letter asking for installment payment. that time, i was in 4th semester of my degree study. mau x mau, bayar gak, time tu dapat PTPTN utk bayar PTPTN. nk kaya, tapi takat angan mat jenin, mmg sampai ke tua pon xkaya. honestly, there are things that can easily solve with money. love, work, politic. once, i was asked, "Money or Power?". the answer is up to us really. people see things in their own perspective. as for me, money will surely deplete (unless you invest) but it is a favorite choice for most cause it is simply easy and a shortcut.. power in the other hand can give you the opportunity to have all.. including money. but you must know how to play the game. power without knowledge is futile afterall. therefore, i go for power. heheheh. power root.
Influenza virus still terrorizing my body. but i felt better when i woke up this morning. taking into account the number of paracetamols, solubles, cirris which i took already. byk betul dadah dlm sistem badan nih. Cuaca skrg ni xmenentu. ada hari panas, ada hujan dari pagi ke ptg. so, we're definitely prone to catch a cold if we're not take any precautious steps to prevent it from happen. minum banyak air, tidur kena cukup, rasa2 lain je badan tu cepat2 amik ubat. our body will first tell us what's happening or what's wrong way before a doctor can tell u. it's just a matter of deciphering the meaning of sengal2 otot, pening kepala, urat tegang, etc... somehow, i can tell that i'm going to demam if i feel ackwardly tired. only then i'll take the drugs. kalau nk demam jugak, mmg demam la.. REST + FLUID + DRUG = SOLUTION
Manchester United (the best football team in the whole world) registered their first win of the season yesterday after a win against Portsmouth. i didn't get to watch the game as my landlord failed to clear his Astro outstanding bills. **** him. bila lambat bayar sewa, sakan kejar kita. bila dia x bayar astro, buat2 bodoh. tu la... rasa nk sepak pon ada, kang xpasal2 dia panggil balaci estet dia dtg pukul aku. Oh my GoD... (tebalkan huruf d tu macam pelakon filem hindustan)
Same as last year, this year's Hari Merdeka also ada fireworks kat putrajaya. i was looking forward to it, but somehow mcm kureeengg je tahun ni. lack of publicity. org ramai xtahu, dan xdihebahkan. i heard last year was a blast. this year, schedule dia da lain. website event pon macam murahan punya je (apa salahnya amik template last year). kesudahannya, xmeletop. i guess i'll miss this year fireworks. seminggu ni aku kena stay kat PD. buat training utk lecturer2 sini. bersempena kena stayback sini seminggu (or maybe more than that), i've made a decision utk convert simcard aku jadi data simcard. leh jadi modem utk 3G, therefore leh surf tenet guna HP. punya la perah kepala samada nk guna celcom modem yang kena bayar RM500 tu atau just tukar simcard dan guna HP sbg modem. last2 selepas mengambil kira perancangan tukar HP sediakala kepada HTC (hehehe), aku decide utk tukar simcard je.
even so, VEOH da block download kat M'sia ni. buat masa ni aku nk research sape itu VEOH dan kenape dia block almost 200 countries daripada access web ngan sistem dia. vaguely, VEOH similar to youtube, but the content of VEOH can reach to >700 MB or more than 10 minutes show time (e.g youtube). so, aku mmg download anime, j-drama, k-drama dari sini. download rate laju dari normal p2p (eventhough dia guna p2p juga). but at least laju dari guna torrent. so, skrg da block dan aku bergantung sepenuhnya kat torrent. last time masa aku guna celcom broadband member aku, leh guna torrent, then 2-3 minggu pas tu, x dpt lak download. maybe setting lain kot since aku guna laptop baru. anyway, tunggu je la lepas tukar simcard dia.