Sunday, November 04, 2007

Chapter 147 - The Moment

Yippa.... this is the moment i've been waiting for. End of the 1st sem Masters study... again, Yahoooo!!!! it's been a tough few weeks with the exams and presentation. even now i'm in the comp lab listening to others' presentation. Me? Well, our group presented first. My decision. It was a planned act becos I hate to present last. Why? because the expectations is much higher and i just want to finish this up as soon as possible. but i have this feeling that i'll be bored later on. because these few weeks, the days were busied with work, and nights were busied with study and assignments. afterwards, the night gonna be lonely. so, i guess that i'm going to miss the hectic day-in-day-out activities.

continue later.. just want to enjoy this short independent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

study assignmentsss presentationssss projectss discussionssss - never ending!!

:: G Talk ::

:: ViD bOx ::

Wonderboy? - Nobody