Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chapter 273 - Bring Out The Games In Me


For the 1st week after buying the laptop, I felt the money was flushed in the drain. Didn't get the time to play around. Rarely opened. Used only for Internet browsing, which can be done from my slow Samsung Galaxy S. Then I decided not to waste the beautiful resource bestowed upon me, I went to nearby game store (u know what i mean) and get myself couple of games which my friend's PC could not play. Latest stuff. Got myself a Starcraft 2, The Reckoning, Sims 3 and Tropico 3. Well, rule out Tropico 3 since I wrongly bought. Latest version is Tropico 4, so Im guessing it is a 2010/2011 stuff.

OK, I just managed to install and tried 1st campaign on Starcraft 2. Installation was quite a hassle. Tested graphic at the benchmark of 3.5 star from 5. Tomorrow, will increase the settings for the graphic. As the rest of the games, I'm looking forward to The Reckoning, though from trailer, I feel like playing on PS3 should be my style for that type of game.

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