Helo. Im starting my exam campaign tomorrow. Though i've got ample time to study, I wasted it on games, tvs and cartoons. Damn! With unsettled practical place, I just cant find myself at peace. Nasihat pada semua.... study la sementara masa masih ada. Last minute study sucks dan serabutkan kepala otak.
Tiada apa yang mustahil di dunia ni melainkan menghidupkan yang mati, so please someone...create a damn time machine so I can go back and change everything. Man, there's so much I want to change. Kembalinya ke masa silam, aku akan cari dan bunuh orang yg create time machine ni pastu aku akan jadi the new age nostradamus yg mempunyai prophecy until year 2006. Bet on all winning teams...basket ke, bola ke, football ke, kuda ke....pastu jadi billionaire hasil dari duit haram tu dan enjoy my life to the fullest. At the same time, Im gonna be a politician. Climb the stairs to the top and have Malaysia in my hand. Instead of having menara berkembar petronas, I'll build menara berkembar tiga. With wealth, health, power and chicks... I can't ask for anything else.